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Worship Simply.

Simple Worship.
No compromises.

Who We Are Sermons
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Family Integrated Worship.

Mother and baby in worship service
Four generation family in service

We make a sincere effort to maintain the practice and doctrine exhibited in the New Testament, despite changing values and customs around us.

We enjoy a simple worship service. We sing, pray, and preach. Every Sunday service is followed by lunch and a time of fellowship - giving us a chance to get to know each other and our visitors in a relaxed setting.

With our simplicity, you won't find any distractions. All ages are in the same worship service, with all eyes on Jesus Christ. We desire to worship God distraction free. Stop by and worship with us!

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Recent Sermons

7-21-24 The Resurrection
7-21-24 The Resurrection

1st. Corinthians 15

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Elder Johnathan Moseley
7-14-24 Truth or Consequences
7-14-24 Truth or Consequences

2nd Chronicles 18

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Glenn Blanchard
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Ray Blanchard
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Pastor's Thoughts

Hearing and Seeing
Hearing and Seeing

Job 42:5- I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear…

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