Exodus 19:4- Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself.
Perhaps we all need reminders from time to time on what that Lord has done for us. Here God tells Moses to remind Israel what he has done for them. The first thing listed was his destruction of the Egyptians army as well as the plagues that he cast upon them. Be reminded friends, that in times where we had enemies of this life to deal with, that the Lord has cast them off. Most times we did not even have to lift our finger, for he has said vengeance is mine. Second is how he bare them on the the wings of an eagle, yes, causing them to soar from a place of bondage and sin, to a place of freedom. Praise God, for he has done this for us. Praise God that we do not serve mammon this day but God. When we do serve him we are free. Last thing is he brought them to himself. I'm thankful that he has drawn us. We have not chosen him but rather he has chosen us! God is good! to choose a wretch like me? To never leave nor forsake this wretch? Amazing grace it is. Three reasons then, to prepare our hearts and minds for worship Sunday morning.
In Christ