Hebrews 12:14-15- Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;
A life of strife and contention is not one for the Christian. We are encouraged here to seek peace with all men. I do believe that this is indeed referring to all men; whether they be Chritians, church members, or those of the world. Christians are commanded to go out in the world and shine their light before men. If we spend our time with constant argument or discord, we would be anything but. Therefore, we are instructed to seek that which would set us apart, which is peace.
Being peaceful is a part of being holy. Living like our God in heaven. Following after his will and not our own. Peace and holiness are vitally important, for without them shall no man see the Lord. We should be seeking the Lord daily; his guidance, his presence, and yes, his peace. For when we are holy and peaceable we just may catch a glimpse of the Master. What a sweet sight! We just may feel the Comforter in a comfortless world. Please Lord come into our lives. We must look for him, for even his appearance is by grace. And when he does appear, we do not want to be looking elsewhere, in doing so we would indeed fail of the grace of God. For there is no sight more precious than that of our Jesus, precious Jesus. May we pull out the roots of bitterness that trouble us, cast them aside, and set our eyes upon the Saviour.
In Him,