Mark 15:9-10- But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto the King of the Jews? For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy.
Envy- A feeling of resentful or discontented longing aroused by another person's fortune, situation, ect... (OED)
Why did the chief priest deliver Jesus to be tried? It was because they were envious of him. They were envious of the crowds that would gather around him, they were envious of the miracles in which he did, and they were envious of the brilliant teachings that he gave. None of the chief priests were able to do the things that the Saviour did. This garnered hateful feelings toward the Son of God. Something needed to be done, he needed to be stopped. So because of their envy, they delivered Jesus to be tried.
Do you ever feel envy in your heart? I do. When this ungodly feeling comes about us, we must cast it away. We must not look at the situation of others and hate that person because of it. We must rid ourselves of envy, for envy is what delivered the Saviour. May we be thankful for the ways in which the Lord has blessed us; and may we be thankful for the ways in which he has blessed others. May we spend less time being envious and more time being thankful and helpful.
Phillipians 2:4- Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.